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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gimpy Lilo

Different setup today everyone. Lilo sliced open the pad on her left paw, so she has a nice bulky bandage on it (courtesy of yours truly). Unfortunately for her, (fortunately for me, slobbery bugger) she's not able to type on a computer. So I'll update you on what she's up to, and she might chime in like I normally would. ::I DON'T NEED A BANDAGE! YOU DID IT TO SLOW ME DOWN!! SOMEONE SAAAAVE ME!!:: Hey you punk, keep it down or I'll bandage your mouth shut. ::I'm still faster :p ::

Moving on, Lilo met a new friend this weekend, Hooch. He's my grandfather's yellow lab. It would be an understatement to say she has more energy than Hooch, but she realized he was the boss and toned it down while she was there.

Here's some pictures of her terrible injury. ::It's just a flesh wound!! Come back here! I'll bite your leg off!:: So THAT'S why my Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD seemed a little chewed up......

And notice how SOMEBODY is trying to take off her bandage in one picture.... ::IT SLOWS ME DOWN!!!::

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