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Monday, June 14, 2010

I know you missed me.

I'm back hoomans!!

I would ask if you all missed me but everybody misses me when I'm gone so I won't even bother asking a question we all know the answer to. I've been staying with Ashley and BOY is she stingy with her communication devices! Something about my excessive amount of slobberiness, I'm not really sure, I wasn't listening.
I had a grand idea for this "i'm back" blog post: I would use every conceivable cliche about being back. You know, lyrics from Back in Black, screaming I'm back like the guy at the end of Independence Day, maybe even breaking into Rihanna's "Baby I'm Back" song. ::What DID you do at Ashley's? SERIOUSLY.:: 
Alpha nixed that idea. He said cliches are corny. He should know what corny is. ::I'M RIGHT HERE!!!:: HAHAHA, I made a funny.
OHOHOH I met Vanessa and she was hyper like me and i wanted to keep playing but Alpha made us stop and he called her Yankee Doodle but she said she's not a Yankee, she's a Red Sox and i LOVE the Red Sox but only when they aren't playing the Braves who are doing AWESOME right now and leading the NL East and I have a new favorite toy it's a bunny slipper that was in Ashley's garage and I took it and play with it all the time ::Seriously, take a breath:: Ok sorry. Whoa.
Anywho, I'm back with Alpha now and he leaves the World Cup on for me and it's SOOO fun. Although those vuvuzelas (definition HERE) get on my nerves. They just never stop!! ::Gee, who does THAT remind you of??:: I dunno, who? ::nevermind:: Fine, I think Australia will win. Alpha calls me a homer for that, but I don't really get it. He picked Spain to beat Portugal in the final. I think he's nuts. I hate Spaniels. They think they're so cute. They're just lazy Australian Shepherd wannabes!
Ok, that's enough for today. Here's some pictures of me more grown up now. I don't know what that crazy thing on my neck is, but it's NOT staying there. It's BLUE!! That's such a boy color. Alpha's gonna find that in my poo later. MUAHAHA.

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